Joan S. Meier, Esq., George Washington University Law School
1A mother who raises the issue of domestic violence or child sexual abuse during
child custody litigation may find herself accused of
parental alienation syndromeor
parental alienation. These accusations often lead family courts to focus on themother’s motives and unwillingness to co-parent, discount what she says about
abuse, and, all too often, order the children into custody or unsupervised visitation
with their abusive father.
Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)
“PAS” was defined by psychiatrist Richard Gardner
2 as a mental health disorderin which mothers use child (primarily sexual) abuse allegations to punish their
ex-husbands and win custody for themselves. He theorized that these mothers
brainwash their children into believing that their father had abused them and
enlist them in a ”campaign of denigration” against the father, in which the children
contribute their own fabricated stories. Gardner’s proposed remedy was extreme -
denying all mother-child contact and “de-programming” the child to change their
belief that they had been abused.
Gardner had no objective data to support his theory and extensive empirical
research directly contradicts it. Studies show that child sexual abuse claims are
actually made in a very small percentage of custody cases, and only 12% or fewer
are intentionally false.
3 Even researchers who see alienation as a real problemconcur that there is no scientific basis for describing it as a mental health
syndromein the child.
4 But because family courts place such a priority on fostering children’srelationships with their noncustodial parents, alienation claims have more power
than they deserve in defeating claims of abuse. To counter that trend, the National
Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges has warned that:
[t]he discredited “diagnosis” of “PAS” (or allegation of “parental alienation”), quite
apart from its scientific invalidity, inappropriately asks the court to assume
that the children’s behaviors and attitudes toward the parent who claims to be
“alienated” have no grounding in reality. It also diverts attention away from the
behaviors of the abusive parent, who may have directly influenced the children’s
responses by acting in violent, disrespectful, intimidating, humiliating and/or
discrediting ways toward the children themselves, or the children’s other parent.
5Parental Alienation (PA)
The discrediting of PAS has not ended allegations of alienation in custody litigation.
But while children in divorcing families are sometimes estranged from one parent,
there is no evidence that parental poisoning of the child’s mind – as opposed
to the disfavored parent’s own conduct –
causes this estrangement. Even JanetJohnston, a leading proponent of PA, found that, despite alienating behaviors
by almost all the divorcing parents she studied, only 6% of the children were
“extremely rejecting” and only 20% were “consistently negative” toward the other
parent. And many of those had specific reasons for their hostility, including abuse
or neglect.
6It may be no coincidence that, along with courts’ increased focus on alienation, joint custody is regularly awarded
despite a history of abuse, primary caregivers alleging abuse often lose custody, and a growing number have been
judicially cut off from virtually all contact with their children.
7 One study found that abusive fathers received morevisitation than non-abusers.
8 In response to these trends, the NYS legislature adopted Chapter 538 of the Laws of2008, which amends §240 of the Domestic Relations Law, requiring courts to consider abuse allegations and to not
punish parents who bring such allegations in good faith.
1 The author, Joan Meier, excerpted this essay from her longer paper.
See Meier, J. (2009). Parental Alienation Syndrome and Parental Alienation: Research Reviews. Harrisburg, PA, http://www.vawnet.org2 Gardner, R.A. (1992).
The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Guide For Mental Health & Legal Professionals, Cresskill, N.J.: Creative Therapeutics, 226-227.3 Trocme, N. & Bala, N. (2005). False allegations of abuse & neglect when parents separate
, Child Abuse & Neglect, 29(12), 1333-1345; Thoennes, N. & Tjaden, P.G. (1990). The extent, nature, & validity of sexual abuse allegations in custody/visitation disputes, ChildAbuse & Neglect
, 14, 151-163.4 Emery, R.E., Otto R.K. & O’Donohue, W. T. (2005). A critical assessment of child custody evaluations: limited science and a flawed system,
Pychological Science in the Public Interest, 6(1), 1-29; Gould, J.W. (2006). Conducting Scientifically CraftedC
hild Custody Evaluations (2nd ed.), Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.5 Dalton, C., Drozd, L., &Wong, F. (2004, rev. 2006). Navigating Custody and Visitation Evaluations in Cases with Domestic Violence: A Judge’s Guide
, National Council of Juvenile & Family Court Judges & State Justice Institute.6 Johnston, J.R., Walters, M.G., & Olesen, N.W. (2005). Is it alienating parenting, role reversal or child abuse? A study of children’s rejection of a parent in child custody disputes.
J. Child Custody, 5, 191-218.7 Lesher, M., & Neustein, A. (2005).
From Madness to Mutiny: Why Mothers Are Running from the Family Courts – and What Can Be Done About It. Northeastern University Press.8 Rosen, L. & O’Sullivan, C.S. (2005). Outcomes of custody & visitation petitions when fathers are restrained by protection orders
, Violence Against Women, 11(8), 1054-1075.
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